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evanston reparations community fund

Evanston Reparations represent an historic opportunity to address the harm caused to the Black community due to discriminatory practices. ECF’s mission is built on the belief that working toward a more vibrant, equitable and inclusive Evanston will benefit every member of our community. To advance Evanston Reparations and ECF’s mission, the Foundation’s Board of Directors made a declaration to hold the Evanston Reparations Community Fund.


In June 2019, the City of Evanston adopted a resolution affirming the City’s commitment to end structural racism and achieve racial equity. Thereafter, the City held two community meetings to gather input on reparations, culminating in the November 2019 resolutions to utilize tax revenue from the sales of recreational cannabis to Evanston Reparations with up to $10 million over the next ten years.

The Evanston Reparations Community Fund  ("Fund") is intended to be a perpetual resource for Evanston’s Black community, to complement the tax revenue stream earmarked by the City for initial reparations remedies, and to ensure funding is available for reparations once those tax revenues are no longer available. The Fund will not be involved in the distribution of tax revenues earmarked by the City of Evanston for reparations. Those dollars will be administered directly by the City of Evanston through the efforts of the City’s Reparations Subcommittee comprising three alderman and city staff.

The Fund will specifically support the work of the Reparations Stakeholders Authority of Evanston (RSAE), a now 501c3 tax exempt organization. (#86-3806645) It raises funds and distributes grants to Evanston’s Black community. The RSAE will initially be led by Black community leaders. It is anticipated the RSAE will raise funds through outreach to community members, foundations and others interested in advancing Evanston Reparations. 

support the fund

Give now to the Evanston Reparations Community Fund. 

about the fund

 The City of Evanston has established a Reparations Fund that is supported through a special tax on cannabis products, up to a total of $10 million. The collection of those taxes and related dispersal of funds will be managed by the City of Evanston and is not related to ECF or the RSAE.

 A second fund, the EVANSTON REPARATIONS COMMUNITY FUND, housed at the Evanston Community Foundation, will be administered by the Reparations Stakeholders Authority of Evanston (RSAE). Its purpose is to directly benefit Evanston’s Black community and to heal racism and address harm caused by discriminatory practices. Further, it will help ensure that funding is available for reparations once the City of Evanston’s tax revenues for reparations are no longer available.

 The EVANSTON REPARATIONS COMMUNITY FUND will consist of a long-term portion, to sustain Evanston Reparations in perpetuity, and an ‘action’ portion to support reparations efforts while the long-term portion is building to a sustainable level. No grants will be issued from the invested portion until it reaches $1 million.

 When grants from the Fund commence, they will support Evanston’s Black residents by addressing issues such as home retention, education, business development, health, and culture.

 The Evanston Community Foundation (ECF) will support the efforts of the Reparations Stakeholders Authority of Evanston (RSAE), administering and acknowledging gifts and grants, sharing expertise as it develops grant processes, and administering grants to advance Evanston Reparations.

 RSAE is a 501c3 tax exempt organization. (86-3806645) 

 The Fund at ECF will not hold any City of Evanston tax dollars, nor will it be involved in the administration of the City’s reparation distributions